三菱鉛筆 シャープペン クルトガ アドバンス 0.5 ブラック M55591P.24 4902778220900

色 ブラック
インクの色 ブラック
ブランド 三菱鉛筆
材質 プラスチック
商品寸法 (長さx幅x高さ) 14.3 x 1.1 x 1.4 cm
・Neither the deepness nor the thickness changes all the time, and a beautiful letter is continued writing by the mechanism that a core turns with the double speed
・Because the vibration of the pen point peculiar to クルトガ is controlled with machined parts precisely, a feeling of writing is stable
・Because I break a core and carry a prevention system, a core is hard to be broken and can concentrate it
Core diameter: The durability is improved using metal parts by 0.5mm ■ clip knock cover