キングジム プレッサファイルGX A4S 黄 537GXキイ
SKU e-00303918
商品詳細: 穴あけ不要!スライド式クリップで挟むだけ!プレゼンに大活躍!横にスライドするだけの簡単なとじ具操作!最大50枚収納可能!厚くて丈夫なPP製表紙!
The product details: It is a perforator-free! I pick it up with a sliding clip! I make an outstanding performance for presentation! Only slide aside; it is easy; is closed, and operate ingredients! Up to 50 pieces are packable! A cover made of thick, durable PP!
●A standard: Quantity of A4-S ● storing: Around 50 pieces of ● bodies color: Yellow ● outside size: Height 306* width 228* back length 9mm ● PP cover
幅9 奥行228 高さ306(mm) 本体重量80(g)