ニチバン ナイスタック テサパワーストリップ 粘着フック Mサイズ HK-M03N ニチバン 4987167083274
SKU e-06232347

素材・原材料 再生ABS
商品本体サイズ 幅90×奥行32×高さ140mm
It is an adhesion hook, medium size to be able to enjoy interior without injuring a room.
Hook two to 1 kg of load-resistant, tab four pieces are containing it.
Can tear it off neatly later to be able to put it well, and to be able to fix it; is superior; a thing. It is good to throw on a bag and a jacket.
Material, raw materials reproduction ABS
Product body size width 90* depth 32* 140mm in height
幅90 奥行32 高さ140(mm) 本体重量38(g)