International Delivery Fee

プラチナ PLATINUM プレピー PREPPY 万年筆 EFサイズ ブラックPSQ-400#1-1 プラチナ萬年筆 4977114112980

¥383 - ¥383
¥383 - ¥383
SKU e-06781260




Is up to professional standard although being low-priced; write it, and is an aqueous dye ink fountain pen of the taste. The "slip seal mechanism" that ink does not dry even if 1 grows old with inserting cartridge ink in the state that vinegared a cap deployment. Assumed it fountain pen's original rustle; write it, and can enjoy taste.

The "slip seal mechanism" that ink does not dry deployment
Is up to professional standard although being low-priced; write it, and is an aqueous dye ink fountain pen of the taste. The "slip seal mechanism" that ink does not dry even if 1 grows old with inserting cartridge ink in the state that vinegared a cap deployment. Assumed it fountain pen's original rustle; write it, and can enjoy taste.

Size: 138mm in total length X greatest dimension 13mm